About Department

We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for women pursuing their Bachelor of Technology degree. Our department is committed to providing a comprehensive education in computer science, equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of technology. Lead by a team of experienced and dedicated faculty members, our curriculum covers a wide range of topics including algorithms, programming languages, database systems, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, machine learning and many more. We motivate our students for their excellent academics, personality development and better placement opportunity. Through hands-on projects, internships, and industry collaborations, students gain practical experience and real-world insights that prepare them for successful careers in computer science. Our state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped laboratories and computing resources, support hands-on learning and innovation.

Students of the department are engaged in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. They proactivel1y participate in different prestigious competitions and have also won various national level coding competitions such as Hackathons. There was a 100% internship for all final year students. The Placement of UG students for the past two years has been above 80%.

Career Opportunities in Computer Science & Engineering :
  • Software Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Python Developer
  • System Analyst
  • Big Data Engineer/Architect
  • Research & development (R & D) in the Private and Government sectors.
  • Business/ Domain Analyst
  • Entrepreneurship
Head of Department Email ID Department Location Year of Establishment
Prof.S.M.Gungewale smgungewale@sswcoe.edu.in First Floor 2019

HoD Desk

Prof. S.M. Gungewale

Head of Department C.S.E.

We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for women pursuing their Bachelor of Technology degree. Our department is committed to providing a comprehensive education in computer science, equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of technology. Lead by a team of experienced and dedicated faculty members, our curriculum covers a wide range of topics including algorithms, programming languages, database systems, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, machine learning and many more.

We motivate our students for their excellent academics, personality development and better placement opportunity. Through hands-on projects, internships, and industry collaborations, students gain practical experience and real-world insights that prepare them for successful careers in computer science. Our state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped laboratories and computing resources, support hands-on learning and innovation.

Students of the department are engaged in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. They proactivel1y participate in different prestigious competitions and have also won various national level coding competitions such as Hackathons. There was a 100% internship for all final year students. The Placement of UG students for the past two years has been above 80%.

More Information about HoD

Email Id: smgungewale@sswcoe.edu.in

Mobile Number: 8698886255

Department Location: First Floor

Year of Establishment: 2019

Program Outcomes (POs)

Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

After completion of program, student will be able to

1) Develop programmes for effective design of computer based systems of varying complexity.
2) Apply domain knowledge and skills to strengthen research work and implement creative ideas.
Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)
1. Graduates are required to acquire knowledge in emerging areas to get good placements.
2. Graduates should pursue advanced degrees in engineering and allied areas at various post-graduate institutes.
3. Graduates are required to continue their personal growth by studying professionally and acquiring skills to have the self-employability.
4. Graduate should become entrepreneur who would create employment.
5. Graduate should make their career in the field of their interest
6. Graduates should be responsible citizens who understand the value of professional, ethical, and societal duties.

Faculty & Staff

Dr. T.A. Chavan

Dr. T.A. Chavan


Qualification: Ph.D

Experience: 25.8 Years

Email: principal@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. S.M. Gungewale

Prof. S.M. Gungewale


Qualification: Ph.D*

Experience: 13 Years

Email: smgungewale@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. Y.R. Kalshetty

Prof. Y.R. Kalshetty

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 20.1 Years

Email: yrkalshetty@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. J.I. Nandalwar

Prof. J.I. Nandalwar

Assistant Professor

Qualification: Ph.D*

Experience: 18.6 Years

Email: jinandalwar@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. G.R. Kulkarni

Prof. G.R. Kulkarni

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Tech

Experience: 16 Years

Email: grkulkarni@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. V.G. Kakade

Prof. V.G. Kakade

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 9.11 Years

Email: vgkakade@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. D.B. Parase

Prof. D.B. Parase

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 9.9 Years

Email: dbparase@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. P.S. Pandhare

Prof. P.S. Pandhare

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 8.6 Years

Email: pspandhare@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. P.A. Katare

Prof. P.A. Katare

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 8.4 Years

Email: pakatare@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. R.M. Pawar

Prof. R.M. Pawar

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 7.5 Years

Email: rmpawar@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. P.S. Sable

Prof. P.S. Sable (Teli)

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E

Experience: 2 Years

Email: pssable@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. P.S. Birajdar

Prof. P.S. Birajdar

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Tech

Experience: 2 Years

Email: psbirajdar@sswcoe.edu.in

Prof. P.S. Birajdar

Prof. V. C. Lad

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.E.

Experience: 2 Years

Email: vclad@sswcoe.edu.in

Laboratories Deatils

Sr No. Laboratory Name Laboratory Incharge Area(Sq.m)
1 Advanced Software Lab Prof. D.B.Parase 87.13
2 Operating System Lab Prof.G.R.Kulkarni 83.51
3 CSE Project Lab Prof.P.S.Pandhare 83.51
4 Database Lab Prof.V.C.Lad 79.11
5 Network & Computing Lab Prof.V.G.Kakade 87.13
6 AI & ML Lab Prof.P.S.Birajdar 80.08
7 Computer Center (Central Computing Facility) Prof. A.K.Salunke 90.20
Operating System Lab Engineer's Day Celebration
CSE Project Lab Inauguration
Network & Computing Lab Women's Day Celebration
AI & ML Lab Engineer's Day Celebration
Computer Center Inauguration
Advanced Software Lab Women's Day Celebration

Faculty Research Paper & Publication

Sr No. Name of Author/Co-Author Title of Paper Name of Journal ISSN No Year of Publication
1 Dr. T. A. Chavan and Dr. D. B. Lokhande DBATU Research Grant on “Machine Learning Approach for detecing Human Diseases based on BehaviouralParameters” IJRAR 2023
2 Prof. Savita Mohan Gungewale Machine learning based yoga recommendation system for the physical fitness International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM2023) IJRAR ICONSTEM2023 2023
3 Prof G R Kulkarni Vehicle sharing System IJRAR E-ISSN: 2348-1269 Dec-23
4 Prof S. M Ishwargond Solapur city website:Navigator Solapur's digital sphere IJRAR E-ISSN: 2348-1270 Dec-23
5 Prof S. M Ishwargond An Overview of sustainable development applictions using artiicial intelligence and remote sensing in urban planning IJSREM ISSN:2582-3930 Oct-23
6 Prof S. M Ishwargond EduCon-(Educational Connection) An idea to overcome the lack of cohesive communication between students,seniors,faculty and alumni JETIR ISSN:2349-5162 Dec-23
7 Prof P. S Pandhare An Overview of sustainable development applictions using artiicial intelligence and remote sensing in urban planning IJSREM ISSN:2582-3930 Oct-23
8 Prof P. S Pandhare Cyber security in healthcare system: A systematic approach of modern threads and development TIJER ISSN:2349-9249 Apr-23
9 Prof Aesha A Aleem A study on impact of microinance on women empowerment in Solapur JETIR ISSN: 2349-5162 Apr-23
10 Prof S. M Ishwargond Role of AI in creating sustainable agriculture industry JETIR ISSN: 2349-5162 Mar-23
11 Prof P. S Pandhare An Overview of sustainable development applictions using artiicial intelligence and remote sensing in urban planning IJSREM ISSN:2582-3930 Oct-23
12 Prof P. S Pandhare Role of AI in creating sustainable agriculture industry JETIR ISSN: 2349-5162 Mar-23
13 Prof P. S Sable Role of AI in creating sustainable agriculture industry JETIR ISSN: 2349-5162 Mar-23
14 Prof J I Nandalwar Role of AI in creating sustainable agriculture industry JETIR ISSN: 2349-5162 Mar-23
15 Prof Prachi S Sable Machine Learning-Its Applications, Benefits,and Threats IJSREM ISSN: 2582-3930 Mar-23
16 Prof Dipali B Parase Machine Learning-Its Applications, Benefits,and Threats IJSREM ISSN: 2582-3930 Mar-23
17 Prof J I Nandalwar Machine Learning-Its Applications, Benefits,and Threats IJSREM ISSN: 2582-3930 Mar-23
18 Dr Dheeraj Bhimraao Lokhande A Comprehensive study on Machine Learning In Agriculture IJCRT SSN No: 2320-2882 Dec-22
19 Dr Dheeraj Bhimraao Lokhande Cloud computing Information Loading and Security Issues review IJRAR E-ISSN No:2348-1269 Dec-22
20 Dr Dheeraj Bhimraao Lokhande Deep neural network in prediction of student performance GRJ ISSN No:0363-8057 Dec-22
21 Dr Dheeraj Bhimraao Lokhande An Approach for rescue system in ambulance JETIR ISSN: 2349-5162 Jul-22
22 Dr Dheeraj Bhimraao Lokhande Performance requirements for execution of transaction in distributed database system IJSREM ISSN : 2582-3930 Feb-22
23 Prof Geeta Kulkarni Traffic detector using blue light IJRAR E-ISSN: 2348-1269 Feb-22


Sr No. Name of Company & Address Major reason of MoU (Like sponsored project/ Internship/ Industrial Visit Month & Year of MoU
1 Magneq Software Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad Internship/Training June 2021
2 ADJ Infotech Services Pvt. Ltd., Solapur. Training Sep 2021
3 ITE Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Pune. Training/ Industrial Visi April 2021
4 Param Infotech, Solapur Training April 2021
5 Hexadatum Technology, Pune. Training/ Industrial Visit Feb 2020
6 Infostack Software Development, Training and Research Center, Solapur Training/ Industrial Visit Sep 2023
7 Synaxis Solutions Latur Trainging/ Internship May 2024
MoU with InfoStack Software Development, Training and Research Center, Solapur and CSE & CSE-AI & DS Dept. SSWCOE, Solapur MoU with InfoStack
MoU with Synaxis Solutions Latur and CSE Dept. SSWCOE, Solapur MoU with Synaxis Solutions
Academic Toppers

Congratulations on being the academic topper! Your dedication, hard work, and commitment have truly paid off. You have set a remarkable example for your peers. Wishing you continued success and excellence in all your future endeavors. Well done!

Academic Toppers of A.Y. 22-23
Year Rank Student Name CGPA Percentage
B.Tech 1st Chippa Shrutika Pandurang 9.52 90.20%
B.Tech 2nd Ankaram Priya Ravindra 9.51 90.10%
B.Tech 3rd Khujyade Tamanna Muktyar 9.45 89.5%
Third Year 1st Gurram Nikita Madhuka 9.09 85.90%
Third Year 2nd Mule Yashashri Yuvraj 8.91 84.10%
Third Year 3rd Sheetal Akashe Nagnath 8.88 83.80%
Second Year 1st Lagashetti Gayatri Vasudev 9.15 86.5%
Second Year 2nd Tamboli Alisha Rabban 8.95 84.5%
Second Year 3rd Birajdar Aboli Prasappa 8.74 82.4%
Syllabus For A.Y. 22-23
Previous Years Question Papers! Download Now for your reference
Students’ Association / Club
Sr No. Date Name of Activity Student Coordinator
1 05/09/2023 Teacher’s Day Ms. Kshitija Chakote
2 15/09/2023 Engineer’s Day -Technical Documentary -Technical Poster Presentation -Technical Rangoli -Photo Animation Ms. Kshitija Chakote
3 25/09/2023 Inauguration of student Association(CSS) Ms. Kshitija Chakote
4 09/03/2024 Dr. Padmaja Gandhi was the Chief Guest at the International Women’s Day Celebration held in the Computer Department. Ms. Kshitija Chakote
5 26/03/2024 Google Club Guidance Session Ms. Kshitija Chakote
6 26/03/2024 GDSC Registration Ms. Kshitija Chakote
Students’ Association - Teachers Day Celebration
Teacher's Day Celebration 3
Teacher's Day Celebration 2
Teacher's Day Celebration 1
Students’ Association - Engineers Day Celebration Engineer's Day Celebration
Students’ Association - Inauguration Inauguration
Students’ Association - Women's Day Celebration Women's Day Celebration

Industrial Visits

Sr No. Date Place Class/Subject Staff Coordinator
1 29th Feb 2024 to 04th March 2024 Silver Spirit Tech Park, Mysore & Ooty Class: SY CSE Subject/s: Web Development, Operating System, Computer Network Prof. R.M.Pawar
2 24th March 2024 to 30th March 2024 Uttara Info solutions Pvt Ltd Bangalore

Web Development, Computer Network, ERP


3 12th to 14th Nov 2022 Policy Bazar, Pune and IFS Solapur Pune

SY CSE and SY (AI & DS)

Computer Network, Database

Prof. A.A.Pathak
4 17th to 19th Nov 2022 ACME Infovision Pvt Ltd, Satara.

Web Development and Deployment

B. Tech CSE

Prof. R.M.Pawar
5 3rd Nov to 6th Nov 2022. Revolution IT Solution, Techno Vision Vaibhava Chathe & Biyane Infotech

Computer Network, Web Development and Deployement


Prof. A.A.Pathak
Name Company: Silver Spirit Tech Park, Mysore & Ooty
Subject/s: Web Development, Operating System, Computer Network
Class: SY CSE
Date: 29th Feb 2024 to 04th March 2024
MoU with InfoStack
MoU with Synaxis Solutions
Name Company: Uttara Info solutions Pvt Ltd Bangalore
Subject/s: Web Development, Computer Network, ERP
Class: TY CSE
Date: 24th March 2024 to 30th March 2024
MoU with InfoStack
MoU with Synaxis Solutions

Students Achievements

Sr No. Name of Student Class Won Prize Name of the event/Organizing Institute
1 Patil Aishwarya Ashok, Dnyaneshwari Shrimant Pawar, Soundarya rajkumar patil, Aishwarya Yuvraj Padwal S.Y.B.Tech(CSE) 1st Prize Technical Event (Energy Contraption) Organized by Engineering Youth festival (EYF 2k23)
2 Lavanya Nandkishor kadadas TYBTech (CSE) 3rd Prize C-Booster competition Organized by N.K. Orchid College Of Engineering
3 Vaishnavi Raju Mali TYBTech (CSE) 2nd Prize Hackathon Organized by Fuel National level Competition
4 Shrushti Shrikant Shete S.Y.B.Tech(CSE) 1st Prize Selected for All India InterUniversity National competition, Bhubhneshwar 2023
5 Shrushti Shrikant Shete S.Y.B.Tech(AIDS) 2nd Prize Yoga and Swimming competition at DBATU Zonal level University
6 Sayali Satish Navgire Final Year CSE 2nd Prize Debate & Speech Competition at National level competition Organized by COEP, Pune

Student Publication Details

Sr. No. Name of Student & Class Title of Paper Name of Journal Month & Year of Publication
01 Balmani Balaji Battin, Shrutika Devidas Kadgi, Anjali Govardhan Guda, Lavanya Nandkishor Kadads Your path for Placement preparation Website International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management (IJSREM) December 23, Volume 07, Issue-12
02 Nikita Madhukar Gurrum, Aishwarya Ambadas Annam, Ashwini Shrinivas Vangari, Uma Vijay Yerjal Educon (Educational Connection) Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovation Research (JETIR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-12
03 Manchikatala Pravalika Mallesham, Annam Rajeshwari Narendra, Yelgeti Akanksha Ambadas, Dhanashri Rajkumar Asade Faculty Assistant Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovation Research (JETIR) November 23, Volume 10, Issue-11
04 Vitkar Rani Suresh, Mirajkar Tejaswini Prabhat, Annam Ushashri Prakash, Uttur Yogita Shankar Website-Ishwar Foundation Scholarship Website Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovation Research (JETIR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-12
05 Sabiha Munaf Harkare, Kausar kalyani, Susmita Birajdar, Anuja Mallinath Phatate Inventory Maintenance & Billing System with GST International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
06 Sushmita Patil, Sanjana Garje, Shraddha Gaikwad, Kanal Gundeli College (Online) Admission Form System International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
07 Gautami Sarwade, Sonali Sarvagod, Srushti Santosh Totad, Anagha Ande Blood Bank Application International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
08 Sushama Awale, Rutika Pujari, Anjali Late, Laxmi Kaljate Vegetable Plant Disease Detection & Fertilizer Recommender System International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
09 Preeti Harale, Smurti Jogdankar, Vaishnavi Joshi, Priyanka Manchikatala Solapur City Website: Navigation Solapur's Digital Sphere International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
10 Akshata Birajadar, Vaishnavi Mali, Pranjal Solanke, Bhagyshri Dhavane Stay Here! (Hostel App) International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
11 Jyoti Mugale, Bhagyashri Magi, Priya Pinamkar, Manisha Bhosale Machine Learning Approach to Detect Heart Related Disease International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) November 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
12 Manisha Giri, Pooja Ajay Miskin, Priti Amol Matthe, Rajeshwari Suresh Ligade Traffic Detector using Blue Light International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
13 Sheetal Nagnath Akashe, Sadiya Sadique Bagwan, Shweta Nagesh Hippargi, Vaishnavi Shripal Halkude Campus Navigation System International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
14 Shrushti Ashok Totad, Sakshi Mallikarjun Kadkol, Rutuja Nitin Shivpuje, Kamal Krishana Bandgar, Rutuja Pandurang Koli Vehicle Sharing System International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
15 Ambika Balbhim Pawar, Akanksha Ramchandra More, Aishwarya Sanjay Landage, Vaishnavi Prasad Ramannawar Doctor Online Appointment System International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
16 Shraddha Patil, Sneha Kalshetti, Komal Andappa Bongarge, Nikita Kalshetti, Vijayalaxmi Sidraya Bugade Enhancing Democracy: A Robust & Secure Online Voting System For Modern Societies International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) December 23, Volume 10, Issue-4
Engineer's Day Celebration
Women's Day Celebration
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Our recent Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and Expert Lectures were a resounding success, enriching participants with industry insights and practical knowledge. From cutting-edge research to hands-on workshops, our events empowered educators and students alike to thrive in their academic and professional journeys. Stay tuned for more transformative learning experiences!